If you are going to offer them for free and you have a lot you should think of hosting your own website so you can at least made some ad revenue from all of the traffic. Might not be much but it's something to help out with all your efforts. Depends how many audio files you have to determine if it would be worth the effort to create a website. Just an idea.
Best of luck to you!
If it's decent quality I think everyone would love anything you have to offer. Not enough royalty-free sound effects out there that are of great quality. People usually have to go to websites that host sound effects under all kinds of licenses which costs the user more time as they sift through them all - so if all the sounds on your website were royalty-free (and of good quality) you would see a lot of traffic.
Oh yeah we're not pulling anything, all the sounds are designed to the quality of full featured productions. It takes a lot of time, but we think it'll be worth it. The sounds on that portfolio are actually some of the sounds that will end up in the library!